Business Finance
We offer third party Hire Purchase services to enable you to source the right equipment first time around.
Available for all equipment across machines, grinders, filtration, porcelain and barista kit.
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What is Hire Purchase?
Hire Purchase is sometimes misunderstood.
HP involves receiving third party financing, to support the purchase of key equipment.
Yes it costs more than a standard purchase, with added interest, but the benefits it brings are crucial to accessing he right equipment and maintaining cash flow.
Lease to buy means making fixed monthly repayments on our products, and at the end of the contract you own them outright.
We work with a reliable and trusted third party to offer finance for leasing who can provide you a quote to match your requirements.
We are also fully registered and regulated by the FCA to ensure that we only ever recommend finance options that are suitable for you.
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The benefits of using finance
There are a string of benefits to using finance over outright purchasing, but he key one is being able to access the right equipment from day one, without compromising. Having to buy the equipment you really wanted 2 years down the line is an expensive way to go about it.
- It spreads the cost of your equipment over its useful working life, which can allow you to invest in better quality kit.
- Leasing rentals for a business are 100% tax allowable, meaning the cost of leasing can be offset against your pre-tax profits during a lease period.
- You can also reclaim the VAT on your monthly repayments.
- Choose whether to make your repayments over 2-5 years.
- Make fixed monthly payments unaffected by changes in interest rates.
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How it works
The process of application is very straightforward, and only slightly differs from just purchasing.
Firstly, get in touch for a quote for everything you need to purchase, and receive pricing on options to purchase and monthly figures.
Once you're happy and you have advised you want to go ahead, we put you in touch with our finance partner, who then contacts you to talk you through the finance process.
They guide you through the process and advise you on suitability, the details of the agreement and your options.
Once agreed, you then complete sign off via E-Sign Documents, and we can begin the process of booking installation and shipping of goods.
On the day of install, a completion process is carried out, ensuring that you have everything you need and the process is completed.
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Want to do a basic lease from us?
If you prefer not to take on credit through Hire Purchase, you can choose to lease the equipment directly from ourselves, where you pay a deposit and a fixed monthly fee with Machina.
This is only possible when tied to a wholesale coffee contract for a minimum of 12KG per week on a 3 year term. This is because we have to purchase the equipment for you, and then have the security of the income to pay the costs back over the period of credit.
If this sounds more like you, then feel free to get in touch about a Traditional Lease agreement.