We thought it'd be fun to interview each other, so our customers can get to know us a little better. If you have any coffee pearls of wisdom you'd like to share, please comment below.
Our first interviewee is Kate G (not to be confused with Kate B).
Name: Kate G
Role at Machina: Marketing, communications & chief cake tester.
At Machina, you will normally find me... scoffing brownies (it aids the creative process) and occasionally swearing at my iPad as I try to fix something on the website.
To me, coffee is... something I regularly enjoy, but that also makes me talk at high speed so I have to watch it.
Best coffee experience ever: Bear Pond Espresso in Japan. We got totally lost in Shimokitazawa in Tokyo, but some really lovely guys led us through a maze of streets (with the help of their uber-fast Japanese smartphones) to find Bear Pond. When we found the tiny place, Off the Wall blasted from the stereo, and the Bear Pond barista (Katsu) was in the zone - fastidiously pulling shots like a mad professor of coffee chemistry. I had a gorgeous flat white - caramely with hints of pipe tobacco. I then had several fresh donuts from the place over the street. It was well worth the trek.
Worst coffee experience ever: Probably the smell of the budget instant coffee I sold in polystyrene cups when I worked in a small bakery / greasy spoon in about 1995.
How did you end up working in coffee?: I married a coffee geek.
Out of 10 how much of a coffee geek are you?: 5 - I've accidentally picked up a lot of geekery from Steve, but I do not watch YouTube videos about the inverted aeropress method.
Top coffee tip: buy coffee that was roasted in the last 2 weeks and when you can, grind your coffee just before you make it.
Most underrated hot beverage in your humble opinion: Hot Vimto.
What do you like to do when you're not drinking coffee?: I like visiting galleries, dancing to soul music and baking (but not usually all at once).
Guiltiest pleasure: This changes all the time, but just now it's watching Ru Paul's Drag Race.